Acuario Nacional

Acuario Nacional

The National Aquarium of the Dominican Republic is one of the most complete Aquariums in the entire Caribbean region and is a widely visited place, both by Dominicans and tourists from various parts of the world.
The National Aquarium of the Dominican Republic was founded on July 22, 1990, through Decree No. 245-90, Issued by President Dr. Joaquín A. Balaguer Ricardo due to the need to create the National Aquarium Board, with personality legal and own patrimony.

This Board of Trustees, made up of people and institutions designated by the Executive Power, would have among its attributions, coordinate together with the National Aquarium Directorate, the scientific and educational activities carried out by the entity. In that same year, the Marine Biology Research Center, a dependency of the Faculty of Sciences of the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo, by Decree No. 385-90 and the National Museum of Natural History, with Decree No. 515-90. In 2000, Law No. 64-00 was enacted, creating the Secretary of State for the Environment and Natural Resources, today the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, and the National Aquarium is attached to this body, but preserving autonomy. functional, jurisdictional and financial, as well as assets and own legal personality.

This same Law created the Board of Directors for said institution, chaired by the Minister of the Environment and Natural Resources, formed and regulated by Decree of the Executive Power. This with the objective of Conservation and protection of marine and freshwater biodiversity promoting and disseminating its knowledge through exhibitions, educational activities and scientific studies.

– More about the Acuario Nacional-   

This marine zoo has a territorial dimension of approximately 34,500m². It currently has the number of 90 fish tanks and 7 ponds where about 500 thousand gallons of sea water are distributed, and about 30 thousand gallons of fresh water. It also enjoys an underwater tunnel where you can see the observation of a wide range of sharks, tarpon, turtles, among others. It is also equipped with an auditorium, which has a capacity of about 100 people, and this is used to guide the public who attends it to learn and learn about the species that inhabit it, as well as learn about other species and the way of life. from the same.

What Brig

Old clothes
Flip-flops or water shoes
Sunglasses or goggles
Handkerchief or small towel to cover your face

Tour time
Morning and Afternoons

Pickup times and locations vary depending on the hotel you are staying at. We will contact you shortly with the exact time and pick-up location. This excursion only departs from Punta Cana. For excursions in another part of the island, send us an email or call us.


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